Tuesday, August 14, 2012

up to speed

it's hot in md. not sure how i feel about that. taught muscle works last night at CP as a spontaneous decision. boy, is it weird to teach not only able bodied people but also people who are used to physical activity so they pick up moves really quickly, which means i had to pull from everything i learned this summer and teach them every muscle group i remembered! i also stayed to take cardioboxing, after a summer of teaching to 130bpm going back to 136+ and doing burpees and pushups my body feels like it got the crap kicked out of it...so disappointing how quickly your body adapts, but i'll get back

lunch today! a day off (sort of, got a cakebite order to get done but pushing it off a bit...)
half a whole wheat pita
tuna salad made with yogurt, olive oil, capers, celery, and black pepper
carrot slaw tossed in my tamari ginger dressing with some parsley (that dressing needs to be used up!)
arugula salad w/ leftover tomato/feta/onion/yellow pepper salad

happy tummy!

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