Tuesday, December 30, 2008

day 3

yum yum. butternut squash stuffing (find it here) with chicken on top. then graham crackers with peanut butter and sprinkled chocolate chips (so cute) and cherry tomatoes

day 2

yay for second day! this is tuna pita pockets. the pita pockets were separated from the tuna and packed with cheese, spinach and green peppers. the tuna, tomatoes, and carrots added later. then cucumbers, green peppers, carrots with hummus. grapes and walnuts:)

Saturday, December 27, 2008

lunch #1

This is my first lunch for my sister. The main is tuna stir fry w/ carrots, green peppers, onions and wild rice. fruit, tomatoes and walnuts for sides. really hard to figure out single serving size:) will have to work on that.